Deviation Open:MA Deviation open switch,Current price-MA>300 points,EA places a sell order,and vice versa;
Now:Select MA opening period;
Deviation Close:MA Deviation close switch, Current price-MA>300 points ,EA close buy order,and vice versa;
Now:Select MA closing period;
EXP:Types of moving averages(Simple/Exponential/Smoothed/Linear weighted);
Close:MA apply to close(close,open,high,low,(h+l)/2,(h+l+g)/2,(h+l+g+o)/4);
Profit Close:When meeting the movingMa Deviation close ,the order must be profitable to close order.
Profit Point:When meeting the moving Ma Deviation close ,the order must be profit more than 50point to close order.
Reverse:Reverse open or close order;
Open at close: EA open a order when the closing price of the previous bar meets the Ma Deviation ,Click it to change to Open at current;
Open at current:EA open a order when the current bar meets the Ma Deviation;
Close at close:EA close a order when the closing price of the previous bar meets the Ma Deviation,Click it to change to Close at current;
Close at current: EA close a order when the current bar meets the Ma Deviation;