DKX Cross Closing: DKX Cross close order control switch;
Open a buy order in the price of current bar’s first price when the value of second yellow DKX before is greater than the white DKX and the value of first yellow DKX before is less than the white DKX ,and vice versa;
DKX Cross Opining: DKX Cross open order control switch;
Close a sell order in the price of current bar’s first price when the value of second yellow DKX before is greater than the white DKX and the value of first yellow DKX before is less than the white DKX ,and vice versa;
Now:Select ATR opening or closing period;

DKX Value:The vallue of DKX Value setting;
Open at close: Open a buy or sell order in the price of current bar’s first price;
Close at close: Close buy or sell order in the price of current bar’s first price;
Profit close:Profit Point:When meeting the DKX close ,the order must be profit more than 0 point to close order.
Reverse:Reverse open or close order;